It’s been 13 years since the US federal minimum wage has been raised. Share Average salaries by country.

It has been 13 years since the federal minimum wage has been increased in the United States. This is the longest period without a raise since the introduction of base pay in 1938.

What is the average income in America?

Workers’ pay depends on several factors, including the region they work in, ethnicity, gender, age, education, and job performance, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average salary of an American worker in the second quarter of 2022 will be approximately $1,041 per week, or $54,132 per year, for 52 weeks of work, Disaggregated by gender in the second quarter of 2022, the median annual income for men was $59,488 and for women was $49,036, or 82.4% of men’s annual income, according to the BLS, Demographics show that the median income for blacks is $49,556, compared to $55,536 for whites. Among women, the median income for black women was 87.9% ($43,680) of the median income for white women ($49,712), Median annual salaries for Hispanic and Asian workers are $42,224 and $69,472, respectively, People of all levels of education and without a high school diploma ($689);

High school graduate (not college): $838.

Earnings: $1,547

Graduate degrees (MSc, Professional, Ph.D.): $4,527 and up per week, $3,039 and up for women.

These are averages, meaning growth was still ongoing. The average shows that half of the population earns more and the other half earns less.

American minimum wage

The current base salary in the United States is $7.25, but it is not the same across the country, as states and local governments can set their minimum wage. Thirty states and the District of Columbia across the United States have set wages above the federal tax rate or raised wages tied to inflation.

Washington DC and California have the highest minimum wage at $15, followed by Washington DC at $14.49. If you want to set a national minimum wage, please visit this site.

In most states, even $15 isn’t a living wage. The cost of living continued to rise rapidly as the movement began raising the minimum wage to 15 rupees per hour.

The plan to increase the minimum wage not only helps low-income families, who can count on government support for nutrition and health but also increases wages in general. Employers are often incentivized to raise wages at all levels by paying low-income workers above their minimum wage whenever possible.

An overview of average salaries in the United States

According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in the second half of 2011, the median weekly earnings of a full-time or salaried worker in the United States was $990. Although wages vary greatly depending on the type of job, education level, and socioeconomic conditions, the average weekly wage for workers in the United States is $984.

If an employee works 52 weeks a year, that equates to an annual salary of $51,168, a 5.1 percent increase over the previous year. Any amount above the amount of the goods is to be paid. But it’s always like that. In the United States, there are 111.5 million full-time employees. Some of them are killed by menstruation and others are plucked hour by hour. Likewise, a good salary in one state may not be good in another. Other factors affecting a good income include job, education level, and unfortunately, race and ethnicity.

The median income for a family of three is $53,413 to $106,827.

  • $55,613 in 2014
  • $58,476 in 2015
  • $60,309 in 2016
  • $62,626 in 2017
  • $64,324 in 2018
  • $68,703 in 2019

Average salary by the state in the United States

Each state has its average salary. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, wages or salaries are generally determined by geographic location, age, professional experience, job description, and cost of living.

The East is the wealthiest region in the United States. In 2019, states with the highest average family sizes included Maryland, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The states with the highest average incomes are California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Washington.

Below is a list of median salaries for each US state.

Payroll control

  • Alaska $59,290 per year
  • Alabama $44,930 per year
  • Arkansas $42,690 per year
  • Arizona $50,930 per year
  • California $61,290 per year
  • Connecticut $62,350 per year
  • Colorado $57,690/yr
  • Dell $54,370 per year
  • Florida $47,750 per year
  • Georgia $49,630 per year
  • In Hawaii, it was $54,930
  • Illinois $55,130 per year
  • Idaho $44,890 per year
  • Iowa $47,330 per year
  • Indiana $46,770 per year
  • Kentucky $44,020 per year
  • Kansas $46,520 per year
  • Louisiana $44,170 per year
  • Maryland $60,230 per year
  • Report $48,470 per year
  • In Massachusetts, it was $65,680
  • Michigan $50,780 per year
  • Minnesota $55,890 per year
  • Mississippi $40,090/yr
  • Missouri $47,820 per year
  • Montana $45,370 per year
  • Nebraska $48,250 per year
  • New Mexico $47,040 per year
  • New Hampshire $53,950 per year
  • New Jersey $59,980 per year
  • New York $63,970 per year
  • Nevada $47,210 per year
  • North Dakota $50,430 per year
  • Ohio $49,430 per year
  • Oklahoma $45,620 per year
  • Oregon $53,890 per year
  • $51,340 per year
  • South Carolina $44,380 per year
  • Rhode Island $57,220 per year
  • South Dakota $42,920 per year
  • North Carolina $48,550 per year
  • Tennessee $45,650 per year
  • Texas $50,490 per year
  • Utah $49,420 per year
  • Vermont $51,120 per year
  • Virginia $56,740 per year
  • West Virginia $43,420 per year
  • Berlin, DC $62,020 per year
  • Wisconsin $48,850 per year
  • Wyoming $49,760 per year

Factors Affecting Average US Salaries

In addition to the location and type of work, the income of an average American depends directly or indirectly on many factors. According to U.S. median income statistics, the main factors that affect individual incomes affect net national income rather than macroeconomic outcomes:


A person’s level of education determines his average salary. For example, a person with a bachelor’s degree can earn up to $40,612, while a college graduate can earn at least $73,892 per year.

Additionally, those at the master’s or doctoral level earn $179,036 per year.

Work history

People’s work experience plays an important role in determining their salary. The more one experiences, the more one deserves.

Research shows that teachers with more than five years of experience earn an average of 36 percent more than teachers with no experience.

For several years

Wages for men aged 16 to 64 were steadily increasing. It is determined by experience, skills, energy, and learning.

As the data show, age affects wages as much as gender. People’s salaries also increase with age. Research shows that men’s weekly wages are 4.7% higher than women’s.

The median wage for 16- to 24-year-olds is $625 for men and $596 for men.

By bemaad

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