Craig Wright, the controversial figure who claims to be Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, is cracking following the defeat of his landmark case as been handed a suspended prison sentence by a UK court.
Wright’s one-year sentence for contempt of court won’t see him behind bars unless he breaches court orders in the next two years. While the average person would make sure to comply, Wright’s recent behavior has us wondering if he’s capable of controlling himself long enough to stay free man.
Over-Emotional, Irrational, and Digging his Hole Deeper…
Wright has seemingly become driven by emotion rather than calculated legal strategy, his recent irrationality and impulsiveness seem to be a clear indication that the mounting legal defeats are taking their toll.
First, immediately after the court dismissed his lawsuit, he filed another – a move seen as Wright blatantly disregarding the court’s previous orders.
But that was just the beginning as Wright then did something anyone in their right mind knows is always a bad idea, and will never help someone make their case – he skipped attending the hearing addressing his first violation.
At first it seemed like Wright may have immediately realized his mistake and agreed to attending the rescheduled hearing. But hopes Wright was returning to reality soon faded as he joined the hearing via video link, demanding an insane £240,000 to attend, to cover his “costs and lost earnings”.
These actions painted a picture of someone incapable of maintaining composure in the face of legal setbacks.
The Claim That Won’t Die…
These most recent troubles were ignited when Wright attempted to sue a group of Bitcoin developers for £900 billion (around $1 TRILLION in USD), the most recent, but far from the first lawsuit Wright has attempted.
For years, Wright has insisted he is the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary. This self-proclaimed identity has been central to his legal battles and public persona, yet it has consistently crumbled under scrutiny.
The High Court in London dismissed his lawsuit, calling it baseless. In the wake of this ruling, an advocacy group made up of individuals and companies who want to protect Bitcoin’s open source status, called the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) called for Wright to be held in contempt of court. The grounds for this claim come from his ruling from the court explicitly barring him from filing new lawsuits that were based on his claim to be Nakamoto.
The UK Legal System Has Had ENOUGH…
Judge Mellor ripped into Wright, calling his tactics “malicious and manipulative”.
The court highlighted years of distress caused by Wright’s relentless legal threats against developers and bloggers, noting that his claims were founded on lies and forgeries. The judgment emphasized Wright’s attempts to mislead both the legal system and the public.
Wright’s unhinged behavior has earned him a one-year suspended sentence for contempt of court, along with orders to pay £145,000 (about $180,000 USD) within 2 weeks.
While he narrowly avoided prison thus far, he must follow court orders exactly as instructed for the next 2 years if he wants to stay out.
A Tarnished Legacy…
The crazy part is, Wright truly did contribute to the creation of Bitcoin. He was among the small group of original developers who volunteered their time and skills to help whoever the real Satoshi is – Wright does deserve credit for helping to launch the first cryptocurrency.
Wright could have been a respected figure in the crypto and tech world with the true story of his role in Bitcoin’s creation. Ironically, people who launch the most vicious attacks at Wright for being a fraud would probably be among his biggest fans.
This seems to be an example of a poor choice made years ago, perhaps made impulsively – mix this with a prideful person who struggles to admit when they’re wrong, and you get this ridiculous never-ending spectacle.
Wright had to be aware of several obvious methods the real Satoshi could use to prove his identity, Wright knew he couldn’t perform any of them, and that people would demand this of anyone making this claim. The most important being the ability to open the wallet belonging to Satoshi.
Surely the real Satoshi would carefully back up the private key needed to access his wallet, of which over $90 Billion USD worth of Bitcoin sits untouched for 14 years.
But during a case he filed in Norway, where Wright attempted to sue someone from the crypto community on Twitter for calling him a scammer, Wright claimed he could no longer access the Satoshi wallets since he ‘stomped out’ the hard drives they were saved on. The man he was suing was a public school teacher with 8000 followers, Wright lost.
Where Do We Go From Here?
It seems Wright has taken things so far, he’s reached the point where having him face real, life changing consequences is the only response left. Wright has proven his willingness to create a never ending cycle of baseless lawsuits that waste both government and private citizens funds addressing – failing to win a judgement in his favor has proven not to be a deterrent.
Since Wright begun his crusade, only his worst traits have evolved. What started with him at least portraying an image of someone making calculated legal moves, has been replaced with someone unable to control themselves long enough to consider the results of their increasingly impulsive actions.
I guess what I’m trying to say is – my money is on Craig going to jail! He needs to obey every demand of the court for 2 full years, and I just don’t see his personality changing enough to pull it off.
Author: Mark Pippen
London Newsroom
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